Variations on a theme…

After I finish one theme on a complete body of work, I have to think of another. Believe me, that is a task that is easier said than done.  The demands of an artist in the “Art World” are many and complex.  There is an unexpressed responsibility, which rests on the painter’s shoulders and weighs them down like a ton of bricks.  ENTERTAIN with your paintings!  Somehow, I have to create something that makes your eyes dance and your heart sing while your mind stands still and thoughts of everyday life are not just ignored, but temporarily, completely forgotten. Then I risk the criticism that I’m not taking any risks.  Believe me when I tell you, I’ve risked everything the day I picked up a paint brush to try to earn a living.

Trying to come up with a theme that appeals to everyone from the public at large, with such varied tastes & interests to the more critical and demanding eyes of art critics is by far, for me, the most difficult aspect of painting.  The rebellious side of me says, “#%@* that” and evolves into me doing something completely opposite to the level of stress I feel I’m under while conceiving a new theme.  Luckily, I can paint for me and I hope that I reach you with the same message. In my opinion–as well as the thousands of masters who came before me and continue to inspire me regularly–we need to be reminded of the better things about our world such as the beauty of nature. Maybe one day I’ll allow those professional frustrations to come out, but for now I’ll stick to what makes me and the viewer feel bit more positive.  After all, doesn’t it trickle back down to us anyway…?